MEAM/Salmagundi 2014/2015 International ARC Salon Exhibition: Teresa Elliott

MEAM/Salmagundi 2014/2015 International ARC Salon Exhibition: Teresa Elliott

The newest additions to the MEAM/Salmagundi exhibition are now listed on the ARC website. A page has been created to track the progress of the selection process to the much-anticipated live exhibition of the 2014/2015 ARC Salon.

Today we are adding an Honorable Mention in the Still Life Category by Richard Hall, two Honorable Mentions in the Drawing Category by Stephen Bauman and Albert Ramos Cortes, a Rehs Award Finalist by Lacey Lewis and a Knohl Collection Award by Christina Mastrangelo, and a Chairman’s Choice Award by Theresa Elliot.

Chairman’s Choice Award – Teresa Elliott – “Javalina Clay”
22 x 36 inches – Oil on Aluminum

Teresa Elliott is an American contemporary painter living and working in her desert studio eighty miles north of the Mexican border in far west Texas. The painting, Javalina Clay reflects the primitive nature of this harsh landscape and the seductive qualities of the slick bentonite clay produced after intense rain showers. When the human form merges with pools of silken clay, ancient memories are stirred and timeless narratives replace all traces of modern existence. These are the Badlands of Texas.

Teressa Elliot has won many awards and honors, including Honorable Mention in Figurative, Art Renewal Center’s International Salon, Chairman’s Choice, Art Renewal Center’s International Salon, ACOPAL Grand prize winner, America China Oil Painting Artists League Competition, Collector’s Choice, 2012 American Art Invitational, Saks Galleries, Denver, CO, and People’s Choice 2014, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, Coors Western Art Exhibit. Elliot has also been included in several publications including American Art Collector, Western Art Collector, Southwest Art, Artists Magazine, Cowboys and Indians, Poets & Artists, and Professional Artist’s Magazine. Other exhibitions she has participated in include Solo Exhibition, InSight Gallery, Fredericksburg, Texas, 2014; American Art Invitational, Saks Gallery, Denver, CO, 2014; Women Painting Women Invitational, RJ Demato Gallery, Sag Harbor, NY, 2013; Oil Painters Of America Exhibit, 2013; Contemporary American Realism group show, Beijing World Art; ACOPAL at The Butler Institute 2012; and National Wildlife Museum, Western Visions 2011, 2012.

To view the full list of works in the exhibition to date, please click here.

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